•   jamie.duvnjak@gmail.com




By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified NASM Personal Trainer & Health Coach

I’ve had a sensitive digestive system my entire life.  For years, I’d wake up with a flat stomach and by the end of the day looked like I was several months pregnant.  On a regular basis, I consumed hummus, soy milk, garlic, onions, apples, lentils, yogurt, Brussels sprouts, wheat bran cereal, whey protein powder and cashews.  I just thought I ate/drank fast and swallowed too much air in the process.  While this likely contributed to my bloating issues, I wanted to get to the root of it.  

I’d learned about the low FODMAP diet through various clients over the years.  They noticed how much better their digestive system functioned by following the plan.  They were consuming mainly lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, quinoa, oats, rice, specific vegetables and fruits and non-dairy milk sources.  After researching and studying high vs. low FODMAP foods, everything I’d been consuming were one the high FODMAP side.  

What does FODMAP stand for?  Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.  These are short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols.  Certain individuals may lack the right amount of healthy gut bacteria or enzymes to break down foods or beverages containing these.  As a result, they don’t digest properly in the body.  One may experience bloating, gas, pain in the abdominal region and diarrhea.  

I’m not suggesting you eliminate everything all at once.  Try adding in more of the low FODMAP foods, which will naturally crowd out the unfavorable ones.  See how your body feels after a few weeks.  If you’re noticing a flatter stomach, less digestive disturbances and an overall lighter feeling, you’ll know your new food plan is something you may want to continue following.  If you want to learn more, there are several online articles.  Here’s one to check out:  https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fodmaps-101#bottom-line

You may also want to research functional medicine doctors in your area who specialize in getting to the underlying causes of your symptoms.  If you’re in the Bay Area, I have a few I can recommend.  Just let me know and I’m happy to provide you with their information.

I hope you found this article useful!  Let me know if you already follow the low FODMAP diet.  I’d love to hear your story!

Have a great day,



A Safe Shoulder Workout for Those with Injuries & Pain

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified NASM Personal Trainer & Health Coach

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, approximately 4.5 million patients come in with shoulder pain each year.  That’s just the number who actually seek medical attention.  I train many clients who complain about aches in that area, but have never gone in to see what’s actually going on.  I’ve spent time researching safe exercises they can practice with me which help to strengthen, stretch and tone the muscles.  

Here is a safe workout for you or anyone you may know who suffers from shoulder pain, impingement or injury: 
1) Warm up with 5-10 minutes of cardio to work up a little sweat.  

2) Throughout the workout, ALWAYS keep your stomach in tight, tuck your pelvis under, don’t lock your knees, keep a slight bend in your elbows and don’t shrug your shoulders.  They should be down and retracted.  Imagine them in your back pockets. 

3) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart 

4) Gently take one arm and make a wide circle- back for 10 and forward for 10.  Switch arms and repeat on that side.

5) Go online and do a video search for the following exercises to make sure you’re doing them correctly!

6) Shoulder External Rotation using either cables, bands or free weights.  Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.  

7) Shoulder Scaption using free weights.  Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.  

8) Reverse Flyes on an incline bench using free weights.  When you raise your arms to shoulder level, hold them for a few seconds before going back to starting position.  Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.  
9) Cool down by rolling your shoulders up and back for 10.  Breathe in nice and deep.

10) Look up effective shoulder stretches on YouTube and you’ll see some great ones.  Hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds on each side.  

11) After the session, I tell my clients to ice the shoulder area for 20 minutes or so.  Foam rolling, chiropractic care and massage are other self-care tips I recommend.

I hope you found this workout helpful!  Let me know what you think!  



What Really Aids in Fat Loss & Increased Muscle?

By Jamie Duvnjak, NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Since 2011, I’ve helped clients transform their bodies.  They’ve managed to shed fat, firm up and get their diets in check.  The lifestyle I’ve seen to be most effective is a low-sugar one.  Once my clients reduce sugary foods and artificial sweeteners, the numbers on their scales drop.   

I have clients go without alcohol for 30 days.  After that period, they come back to me and it’s noticeable they’ve shed pounds.  Their pants feel looser and they have more energy.  Other clients refrain from diet soda and they look leaner within just a few days.  One lady on Weight Watchers was completely discouraged.  She said each week she’d weigh in and the number on the scale wouldn’t budge.  I asked her what she’d been eating throughout the day.  She said raisins, oatmeal, pineapple and watermelon. This was just for breakfast.  Sugar, sugar and more sugar!  I told her to stick to berries in the morning, consume more protein and healthy fats.  Three weeks later, I trained her.  She lost those last stubborn pounds and felt so much healthier by changing her diet.

If you eat a diet high in sugar and don’t burn it off right away, it’s going to get stored as fat.  In addition, too much sugar in the diet can lead to diabetes, heart disease, stroke and many other dis-eases.  Artificial sugar is no better.  It triggers the body to release insulin, because it senses it needs to break down sugar.  When there is no sugar to break down, it still has insulin circulating through the body.  Too much insulin can cause weight gain and fat storage if it’s not burned off with exercise.  Check out this article for more information:  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/261179.php

I’m not saying to eliminate all carbohydrates.  Just be sensible and eat everything in moderation.  Berries are your best choice when it comes to fruit.  They are light on the stomach and will give you the energy you need to get through a work out.  Complex carbohydrates in the form of sweet potatoes at lunchtime are a good choice.  For dinner, I recommend just protein, a variety of veggies and healthy fat such as avocado or extra virgin olive oil.  

What can you do to boost your metabolism, burn off excess sugars/carbohydrates and get lean?  Strength train!  During an initial consultation, clients come to me, grab their stomachs and ask what they can do to get a flat belly again.  I ask them what they eat and what they do in terms of exercise.  The pattern has been the same.  Lots of fruit, wine and walking.  A little bit of fruit and wine is healthy, but too much is not.  Walking is always beneficial, but it needs to be coupled with strength training at least 2-3 times a week.  This can be in the form of TRX suspension training, kettlebells, free weights, machines, your own body weight, stability balls and much more!  When clients work with me, we train each body part and it’s always filled with variety.  When they are consistently training, eating less sugar and more protein, their body fat drops and their muscle percentage goes up.  Just for proof, I track these numbers using my gym’s comprehensive InBody testing machine. 

If you’re interested in looking and feeling your best, I’m offering one free consultation to new clients.  Let me know if you need training, nutrition advice and food planning.  Get in shape and STAY in shape all year around!

I look forward to connecting with you,



Ideal Exercises & Foods for Your Dosha Body Type

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified NASM Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Do you know what your Dosha type is?  If not, that’s okay.  Prior to my health coaching schooling, back in 2011, I wasn’t aware what mine was either.  In Ayurvedic medicine, each one of us can have either a dominant or unique mix of mind and body principles/doshas.  These doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) determine our specific physical and mental characteristics. 

If you’re interested in learning more, take this short quiz to determine what your dosha is: https://lifespa.com/ayurvedic-health-quizzes/body-type-quiz/

Once you figure it out, you can read which exercises and foods are beneficial for your body.  For example, I’m a Pitta type.  I have a medium frame, dislike extreme heat, do well with moderate forms of exercise and need to choose cooling foods over spicy and salty flavors. 
Here are exercise suggestions based on your results:

Vata:  Walking, strength training which focuses on balancing exercises
Pitta:  Swimming, skiing, yoga and pilates
Kapha: Jogging, aerobics, HIIT classes (high intensity interval training), Zumba and plyometrics

Nutrition suggestions to maintain balance in the body:

Vata:  Naturally sweet foods such as root vegetables, in-season fruits, organic eggs, ghee, olive oil, nuts, seeds and lean meats    
Pitta: Cooling foods such as salads, steamed vegetables, in-season fruits and coconut oil
Kapha: Lighter fruits such as apples and pears, beans, steamed vegetables and lots of nourishing spices that help with digestion/metabolism.  Think pungent, bitter and astringent foods.  Sweet, sour and salty should be reduced or avoided.  

If you’re a combination body type, you’re lucky!  You’ll have more variety of exercises and foods to enjoy.  Search online to gather a complete list of everything according to your type.  I’m interested to learn what you discovered.  

If you’re in need of personal training/healthy coaching, feel free to contact me.  I’m happy to work with you in person, phone or Skype!

​Have a great week,



5 Healthy Alternatives to Croutons

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified NASM Personal Trainer & Health Coach

For those who are currently avoiding, planning to eliminate, or reducing croutons due to gluten sensitivity or from the empty calories associated with them, there are plenty of alternatives to enjoy!  Fortunately, I can eat gluten in moderation.  I like a few croutons on my salad here and there for added crunch, but have found many other items to include which have been just as fulfilling and tasty. 

Here is my list:

• Roasted sweet potato chips (roast them with olive oil and sea salt on 375 degrees for 25-30 minutes.  A little less or more depending on your oven.  You just don’t want them to burn).

• Lightly salted potato chips (again, you can roast your own.  I like the Trader Joe’s Lightly Salted ones).

• Terra Exotic Vegetable Chips (a delicious blend of root vegetables).

• Crushed up organic blue corn tortilla chips (I usually buy mine from Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods, but you can find them at most other grocery stores).

• Luke’s Garden Vegetable MultiiGrain & Seed Crackers (there are a few different flavors, but I prefer this one). 

I like to grab a small handful and crush them while sprinkling them evenly over my bowl.  I eat a salad each night and none of mine taste exactly the same throughout the week.  As a result, I never get tired of the flavor.  Plus, I add a variety of vegetables and lean protein sources throughout the week to make sure I’m getting a good amount of micronutrients with each meal.

​Please share this with anyone you feel may benefit.




5 Challenging Home Yoga Workouts

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified NASM Personal Trainer & Health Coach

I’ve been practicing yoga a few times a week for more than 20 years.  I look forward to each session, because the poses never fail.  They continue to tone, stretch, strengthen, and detoxify my body all at the same time.  In addition, focusing on my breath helps calm my mind.  For those of you looking for some invigorating workouts you can practice at home, here are some YouTube videos I recommend:

1)      Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga 3

2)      Erin Sampon’s Yoga for Runners (and Everyone Else!)

3)      Power Yoga Hour with Rob

4)      Michelle Goldstein’s Power Yoga

5)      Total Body Yoga Burn Workout- Vinyasa Flow

These instructors have several other videos to check out as well.  Let me know which ones you try.  I’d like to get your feedback.

If you or anyone you know is in need of losing weight, firming up, or just wanting to feel healthier, I’m happy to help.  I work with clients via phone, Skype or in person.  Contact me if you’d like to learn more.

Enjoy your week!



A Possible Cause of Your Fatigue

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified Health Coach

I was told at a young age that eating lots of vegetables was a good habit to get into.  During my health coaching schooling, I learned that “kale is king.”  Throughout the years, I’ve consumed pounds of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and the so-called “king” of vegetables.  A few hours after eating those particular ones, I’d become extremely sleepy.  This fatigue led me to conduct some research to find out if there was a link.  After reading several articles and forums, many people have experienced the exact same side effect.  Turns out those veggies are also goitrogenic foods.  Goitrogens are naturally occurring substances in the vegetables I already mentioned, as well as radishes, soy products, peanuts, pine nuts, peaches, pears, turnips, mustard greens, and millet.  These foods interfere with the production of thyroid hormones and block the absorption of iodine.  If iodine levels are low in the body, hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) can occur.  

If you regularly consume goitrogenic foods, it would be beneficial to add iodized salt to your meal and iodine-rich foods such as seaweed to keep your iodine levels up.  Cooking the food could also lessen the negative effects as well.  If you’ve had your thyroid checked and it’s underactive, this article offers helpful tips to bring your levels up:


I’ve greatly reduced the amount of goitrogenic foods and have noticed the fatigue has subsided.  I don’t wake up feeling as groggy either.  I’m not saying I’ll never eat these foods again, because I truly enjoy their flavors.  Plus, eliminating them would make me feel deprived.  I’m now aware what had been causing my fatigue and will make sure I eat them sparingly from now on.  No big deal.  There are plenty of other foods on this planet to savor.

Have a healthy day!



Are You A Mosquito Magnet?

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified Health Coach

Camping was one of my favorite pastimes growing up.  I never understood why people around me doused themselves in mosquito repellant yet still ended up with bites.  I rarely used bug spray, because my body was sensitive to the smell and chemicals found in those products.  It didn’t matter anyway since I rarely got bit.  A few months back, I had a conversation with a friend about it.  We were both curious as to why some people get attacked by these annoying bloodsuckers while others remained untouched.  I decided to write an article about my findings.

From my reading, there are several potential reasons a female mosquito chooses to suck blood from one body over another one.  Some researchers believe blood type may be the cause.  They speculate those with Blood type O are bitten twice as much as type B.  Type A people are bitten less than type B.   Others state that mosquitoes are drawn to people who produce more carbon dioxide.  These may include obese, tall or pregnant individuals.  How often one showers may be another cause.  The ones that carry malaria are said to be attracted to day-old sweat.  Those that have high body temperatures, high lactic acid (released through pores after exercise) and uric acid (from urine which can also build up on the skin) may be prime targets as well. Around 500 volatile chemicals are emitted from our skin.  Mosquitoes pick up these scents using their antennae and gravitate towards these odors.  Another 2002 study in Japan was conducted where 13 volunteers drank one bottle of beer.  After consumption, researchers found the volunteers had more bites as opposed to those that didn’t drink any.  They believed the beer raised the body temperatures and the amount of alcohol in their sweat was enough to attract the mosquitoes.  
Whatever the true causes may be, these bites are not only an extreme nuisance, but can be fatal as you are probably aware of.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013, roughly 198 million cases of Malaria were reported worldwide.  An estimated 500,000 people died from it that year.  A NEWSWEEK article stated some famous people who contracted this mosquito-borne disease and died as a result were Christopher Columbus, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Michael Caine and Mother Teresa.  Pretty scary!

Natural ways to prevent bites

1) Add lemon eucalyptus oil, cinnamon leaf or clove oil with water to a spray bottle and generously cover your body with it.

2) Shower often

3) Exercise outdoors once the temperature drops or workout inside if it’s too hot and humid outside.

4) Wear light and breathable attire.  

5) Eat more garlic.  Mosquitoes may be repulsed by the smell emitted from your sweat and breath.

6) Take Vitamin B1.  Mosquitoes may find the scent this vitamin produces offensive.

What to do if bit

1) Don’t break the skin.  This could lead to a serious bacterial infection.  

2) Apply an anti-inflammatory gel right away and cover the area with plaster or gauze so you don’t have a temptation to scratch it.  

3) Dab lavender, peppermint and/or tea tree oil to the affected area to prevent swelling, itching or infection.

4) Cover the area with apple cider vinegar, baking soda and witch hazel paste or honey.

5) Go seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing any ill feelings such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, fever or diarrhea.  
Are you one of those people who are notorious for getting bit?  I’d love to hear how you prevent bites and if you’ll try any of the tips I mentioned in this article.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this today!

Jamie Duvnjak


Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil

By Jamie Duvnjak, Certified Health Coach

It wasn’t until two months ago that I began consuming an ounce of coconut oil on a daily basis.  My side effects have included softer skin, increased energy, better digestion and a noticeably leaner abdomen. The only complaint is the fact I didn’t begin using it years ago when I read about its many health benefits. Read on to learn more about this “superfood.”

Coconut or copra oil is pulled from the meat of mature coconuts.  Since it has a high saturated fat content, it oxidizes at a much slower rate which, in turn, is more stable and doesn’t go rancid as quickly. It’s also great for cooking since it can withstand high heat.  Jars can last up to 6 months at 75 °F.  I bought the organic, unrefined, pure, cold-pressed virgin brand by Gurunanda on Amazon.  It currently has an average of 4.6 stars out of 251 reviews.  Cook with it, blend in your smoothie or enjoy a spoonful like I do. The list is endless!  

Despite its past reputation for being too high in saturated fat to consume on a regular basis, researchers have discovered coconut oil contains healthy medium-chain triglycerides/fatty acids.  Unhealthy fatty acids from cheese and meat, for example, are long-chain which contribute to high cholesterol and other health problems.  The medium-chain ones metabolize differently in the body.  Ones these exit the digestive tract, they go straight to the liver and turn into an instant energy source. 50% of the medium-chain triglycerides are Lauric Acid and monolaurin.  Studies show both of these have the power of warding off and even preventing various pathogens such as viruses, parasites, yeast infections, bacteria and fungi.  

Researchers state those consuming mainly medium-chain fatty acids or triglycerides eat approximately 250 fewer calories a day as well.  They believe the way these particular ones are metabolized have an appetite suppressing effect.  In one study, 20 obese males were given 1 ounce of coconut oil per day. After 4 weeks, without adding exercise or changing anything else in their diets, they had reduced their waist circumference by 1.1 inches.   Some populations, such as those in the South Pacific, consume a significant amount of coconut on a regular basis.  Most are in good health, have no sign of heart disease or struggle with weight issues.  

Coconut oil is also known for:

* Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure

* Stabilizing blood sugar levels

* Aiding the absorption of minerals

* Its rich content of iron, polyphenols, vitamins E and K

* Improving skin problems such as dermatitis, eczema, athlete’s foot, ringworm, bruising, cuts, scrapes and diaper rash

* Enhancing hair shine and promoting growth

* Moisturizing the skin and diminishing wrinkles

* Preventing tooth decay and bad breath

* Blocking a portion of UV rays when used as a sunscreen

* Strengthening the liver, kidneys, pancreas and bones

* Blending nicely as a carrier oil for aromatherapy

For those who have not tried coconut oil, I recommend having a small amount first.  See how your body reacts to it. Some people may not like how it tastes when added to food.  That’s okay.  Maybe you’ll ingest it separately or just apply it to your hair and skin for its other benefits.  

Which variety of coconut oil should you purchase?  Organic Virgin Coconut Oil uses little or no heat in the extraction process; therefore you’ll be getting most of the antioxidant and medium-chain fatty acid benefits.  It’s said to have the best flavor and scent of all of the varieties of coconut oils.  

By adding this oil to your daily regime, in whichever capacity you choose to use it, I’m sure you’ll reap at least one benefit.  Give it a try and let me know what you experience.  

Have a healthy day!


Natural Remedies by Jamie Duvnjak, Certified Health Coach

As a health coach, I always keep abreast of different strategies to meet the needs of my clients. They come to me with depression, anxiety, premenstrual syndrome, headaches, digestive disorders, celiac disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight issues, acne and more. Instead of patching their ailments up with a pill, I suggest they replenish their bodies with nourishing foods, beverages, herbs, spices, exercises and other natural remedies that heal their bodies both inside and out. I want to share some beneficial information with you, so you can begin healing your ailments without dependency on prescription drugs as your only answer.

In addition, I suggest using essential oils to help with several conditions. If you want to experiment with scents to boost your physical, psychological and emotional well-being, these oils are a wonderful addition to your household. You want to make sure your oil reads ‘pure essential oil.’ Don’t buy any oil which reads ‘perfume oil’ or ‘fragrance oil.’ These oils are made with chemicals which may be harmful to your health. You can find 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils at: https://www.doterra.com/US/en. Some of the most frequently used oils are lavender, lemon and peppermint. There are no additives or harsh chemicals put into doTERRA’s pure essential oils.

I hope you find the following information helpful! If you are searching for an ailment that is not on this list, feel free to contact me.

List of Ailments With Helpful Remedies

Abdominal Cramps– Sudden muscle contractions mainly caused by stress, pms, irritable bowel syndrome or food poisoning. Remedies include: peppermint tea, peppermint oil (diluted with carrier oil such as jojoba or grapeseed rubbed into location and on bottom of feet) and a warm compress on the abdominal area.

Acid Reflux– See Indigestion

Acne– Characterized by red pimples on the skin (commonly on face, back and chest). Remedies include: lavender, or tea tree oil (added to affected area with cotton ball). No dairy (especially cheese), almonds or caffeine. Foods rich in beta carotene, calcium, magnesium, chromium, vitamin c (see list of micronutrients below).

ADD/ADHD– Frankincense oil helps promote focus and concentration while reducing anxiety and fatigue. Eat a whole foods based diet and limit the amount of sugar and caffeine you consume.

Adrenal Disorders– 5-6 small meals per day, no caffeine or alcohol, balanced exercise, foods rich in B vitamins, calcium and magnesium (see list of macro and micronutrients below). Peppermint oil can be applied at temples and base of neck for energy.

Allergies– Characterized by itching, swelling, runny nose and sneezing. Common causes are from food, dust, medication, pets, mold in the air, pollen and insect bites. Eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint or lavender oils (diffused in the air or applied to the bottom of feet with carrier oil), turmeric and other anti-inflammatory foods consumed each day and a tablespoon of local honey each morning.

Alzheimer’s Disease– Characterized by mood swings, long-term memory loss, aggression, confusion and an inability to communicate with others. Frankincense and sandalwood oils applied to the back of neck and diffused in air. 5-6 small meals per day, avoid alcohol and caffeine, magnesium-rich foods (see list of macro and micronutrients below), purified water, avoid aluminum in cookware, deodorants and antiperspirants, canned food and drinks. Add turmeric to your foods. India has lowest rate of Alzheimer’s Disease and they consume this spice on a regular basis.

Amenorrhea– Absence of menstruation which could be due to pregnancy, over exercising, lack of nutrition or thyroid imbalance. Peppermint, clary sage or lavender oil diluted with a carrier oil and rubbed onto location. Avoid caffeine and soy of any kind. Consume Traditional Medicinals Red Raspberry Leaf Tea daily. This tea has been used for years to treat menstrual irregularities and is known to strengthen the female system.

Anemia– Many vegetarians become anemic (low in iron), because they lack vitamin B12 commonly found in meat. They need to replenish with iron-rich foods, green leafy vegetables, molasses, eggs, fish, poultry, lean red meat, folic acid, root vegetables, legumes, brewers yeast, dandelion root and nettle teas, as well as gentle exercise such as yoga, swimming or tai chi.

Arteriosclerosis– Characterized by hardening of the arteries due to plaque build-up in that area. Lemon and lavender oils diluted with carrier oil application to carotid arteries in neck, over the heart and reflexology points of feet. High-quality protein diet and less processed foods, sugars and dairy.

Arthritis– Characterized by stiffness, swelling and inflammation of the joints. Wintergreen oil mixed with carrier oil directly on the location. Soak in bathtub with sea salts afterwards. Avoid foods in the nightshade family including potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and ashwagandha. Substances known as alkaloids found in nightshades take calcium out of bones and can cause achy joints. Consume leafy greens, high-quality protein, magnesium-rich foods such as brown rice as this mineral puts calcium in bones (see micronutrient list below), nuts and seeds, good fats, cook with stock (alkalizing with bones), edible bones (sardines and salmon with skin and bones) and avoid dairy.

Asthma– Characterized by tightness in chest, wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing spells. Made worse by air pollution, dust mites and smoke. Eucalyptus and peppermint oils diluted with a carrier oil to chest, throat and back. Avoid dairy as this creates more mucus build-up and a stuffy, congested feeling.

Athlete’s Foot– Characterized by a fungal infection on the feet causing itching, redness, blistering and scaling of the skin. Tea tree, oregano (always dilute), lemongrass or lavender oils. Dilute with carrier oil and apply directly to affected area.

Autism– Disorder impairing development of all forms of communication. For anxiety- clary sage oil diffused into the air. For sensory stimulation- peppermint oil massaged into skin when child feels comfortable and accepting to try it. Gluten, dairy and sugar-free diet.

Bad Breath– Caused by smoking, alcohol consumption, gum disease, dry mouth, tooth decay and certain foods such as garlic and onions. A drop or two of peppermint oil in a cup of water and drink. Chlorella powder and tablets, spirulina, raw foods such as apples also help clear the mouth of any odor.

Bites– Lavender oil directly on location.

Bloating– Abnormal swelling in the abdomen most likely caused by eating too fast and too much, pms, constipation, allergies or irritable bowels. Avoid eating anything 3 hours before bed, eat until you are 80% full, eat fruit along and consume a variety of both cooked and raw vegetables. Ginger and peppermint oils diluted with carrier oil and rubbed into location. The Traditional Medicinal teas work very well too.

Body Odor– Tea tree and lavender oil. Dilute with carrier and apply under arms. Add a little baking soda and make a paste out of it if desired. Stay away from dairy, onions and garlic as the odors will come out of your pours. Chlorella tablets or powder works well too.

Bone Loss– Bones become significantly fragile and at more risk of breakage and fractures. Wintergreen and peppermint oils mixed with carrier oil massaged into location. Foods high in calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D (see micronutrient list below).

Bronchitis– Eucalyptus oil diluted with a carrier oil and rubbed onto chest. A few drops of frankincense oil in capsule (doTERRA oil is edible). Stay away from mucus-producing foods such as dairy. Eat a diet rich in vegetables. Hot water with lemon throughout the day will help break up the mucus.

Bruising– Lavender oil directly onto location.

Canker Sores– Characterized by small sores around the mouth or on the tongue. Dilute with carrier oil and apply 1 drop of either tea tree or oregano oil on location. Avoid pineapple and other citrus fruits as these can exacerbate the symptoms.

Cellulite– Deposits of fat developed underneath the skin that cause a dimpled appearance. Grapefruit, rosemary, basil, orange, lemon, lime, lavender, oregano (always dilute) and fennel oils diluted with carrier oil and massaged into location. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, processed foods and sugars. Eat a variety of vegetables, high-quality protein and less carbohydrates.

Cirrhosis of the liver– Strengthening foods to nourish and cleanse the liver include lemon, parsley, dark leafy greens, turmeric, ginger and fenugreek. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Chemical Sensitivity– Elimination diet works well. Avoid dairy, nuts, chocolate, caffeine, soy, eggs, corn and gluten. See if your symptoms go away. A lot of the problem is a weakened immune system from common allergens.

Chicken Pox– A childhood illness caused by the varicella zoster virus. Characterized by mild fever, rash, and itchy blisters. Most cases occur in children under 15 years of age. Lavender, tea tree and Roman chamomile oil diluted with carrier oil and applied to location. 2 drops of lavender to 1 cup of baking soda in a bath tub will relieve itching.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome– Avoid caffeine and other stimulants. B vitamins, peppermint oil to temples and back of neck. Gentle exercise such as tai chi, yoga and swimming.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease– Eucalyptus and peppermint oil diluted with carrier oil and massaged onto location. Avoid dairy and follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

Constipation– Infrequent or hard to pass bowel movements most likely caused by either lack of fiber in the diet, not enough water consumption, medications, too much dairy, gluten and stress. Lemon, peppermint, ginger or fennel oils. Dilute with a carrier oil and massage into abdomen. Get enough sleep, eat more flaxseeds and other fiber-rich foods, take in magnesium (see micronutrient chart below), exercise and drink warm water with lemon in between meals or on an empty stomach.

Crohn’s disease– Ginger, peppermint and chamomile tea. Avoid gluten, sugar and processed foods. Apply peppermint oil with carrier oil to stomach.

Circulatory Problems– Traditional Medicinals ginger tea, exercise on most days of the week, get up every hour and walk around if you have a desk job or are traveling.

Coated Tongue– Avoid sugar and dairy. Need more alkalizing foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, lemon, avocado and parsley. Add 1 drop of lemon oil to warm water and drink in between meals or on an empty stomach.

Cold Sores– Blisters or sores inside or outside of the mouth caused by the herpes simplex virus. Tea tree oil or lavender diluted with carrier and applied directly to location.

Colds & Flu– Ginger tea and lemon oil diffused in the air. Peppermint oil to clear nasal congestion under nose, behind ears and a drop in hand, cup and inhale.

Colic– Crying for an extended period of time during infancy. Lactose intolerance, gas and indigestion are said to be the most frequent causes. Ginger and chamomile oil with carrier oil on stomach and back. 1 drop of peppermint oil equals 28 cups of tea.

Colitis– Inflammation of the large intestine or colon. Characteristics: abdominal pain, frequent bowel movements, loose or bloody stools. Peppermint oil mixed with carrier oil and applied to stomach. Peppermint tea. Chew your food until it is liquid. Consume lots of whole foods daily. Avoid sugar, caffeine and processed foods.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)- Inflammation of the membranes that cover the white part of the eye and inner part of lids. Characteristics include swelling, redness, discharge, burning and itching. Common cause include bacterial or viral infection and contact lenses. Tea tree and lavender oils topically diluted and diffused.

Constipation– Magnesium-rich foods (see micronutrient list below) Ginger aids digestion and senna tea will put things through. Drink lots of warms water with lemon in between meals and on an empty stomach. Load up on fiber-rich foods such as oatmeal, quinoa, millet, lightly steamed or sautéed vegetables, berries, flaxseeds and other nuts and seeds.

Cough– Eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree or ginger oils diffused into the air. Dilute a few drops with carrier oil and rub onto neck and chest. Avoid dairy. Consume a variety of vegetables both raw and sautéed. Drink warm water with lemon, honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper throughout the day as well.

Dandruff– Combine ¼ apple cider vinegar to 2 cups of water and apply to wet hair in shower. Follow with a shampoo and conditioner where first ingredient is NOT water. Lavender oil mixed with carrier oil such as jojoba and applied to scalp.

Depression– Citrus oils for uplifting mood are wild orange, lemon and lemongrass. Diffuse them in the air or rub a drop into your wrists and place behind your ears. Avoid sugar, caffeine and processed foods. Eat more local, organic whole foods with good amounts of high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids from walnuts, salmon, sardines, flaxseeds and avocado.

Diabetes– Cinnamon oil diluted and put on bottom of feet and pancreas. Avoid processed foods. Take foods rich in chromium (see micronutrient list below). Take in 40-50 grams of fiber per day. This lowers the amount of carbohydrates needed to be digested in the body. Fenugreek and red raspberry leave teas lower blood sugar as well.

Diaper Rash– Lavender oil with carrier oil on location.

Diarrhea– Frequent watery or lose stools caused mainly by food allergies, food poisoning, virus or bacteria in the body. Peppermint, ginger, orange, tea tree and lavender oils diluted and rubbed into abdomen. Peppermint in a capsule and swallow. Your diet should be bland and consist mainly of bananas, brown rice and plain toast.

Diverticulitis– Inflammation of the diverticula along the wall of the large intestine. Characteristics: pain in lower left side of stomach. Lavender and cinnamon oils diluted with carrier oil and massaged into location. Avoid foods with seeds. Chew your food at least 50 times before swallowing. Consume probiotics such as kefir and plain yogurt on a regular basis to fill your gut with healthy bacteria.

Dry/Wrinkled Skin– Drink lots of water daily. Eat foods high in water content such as green leafy vegetables, berries, apples, cucumbers, celery and watermelon. Take in good amounts of healthy fats from walnuts, salmon, sardines, avocado, extra virgin olive oil and flaxseeds. Apply jojoba oil to the skin after showering.

Ear Pain– Tea tree, roman chamomile and lavender oils with carrier oil on cutip and then gently into ear.

Eczema– Avoid gluten.

Edema– Swelling caused by abnormal fluid accumulation in either the body cavity or tissue. Causes could be from too much sodium, allergies, inflammatory foods, injuries or a problem with heart, liver or kidneys. Consume potassium-rich foods. Grapefruit and lemongrass oils diluted with carrier oil and applied onto location.

Emphysema-Peppermint and eucalyptus oils diffused into the air. Dilute these oils and apply to chest.

Endometriosis– Chronic female disorder where cells from lining of uterus grow outside of the uterus. Causes abnormal abdominal cramps and pain during the menstrual cycle. Clary sage oil, diluted and massaged into lower abdomen or feet. Apply a warm compress as well. Avoid dairy.

Eyes (Dry)- Tea tree oil in a diffuser.

Fatigue– Avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Start your day with warm water and lemon water. Peppermint oil behind ears, base of neck and temples.

Fever– Increased body temperature due to an infection or injury. Peppermint oil internally, topically and aromatically. Eucalyptus, lemon, lime, lavender or clove too. Can be put on bottom of feet as well. Crushed garlic with olive oil onto bottom of feet. Cover with socks and go to sleep. Fever should break before morning.

Fibroid Tumors– Benign growths of connective tissue and muscle in the uterus. Can be painful and may affect ability to conceive. Frankincense or lavender oils diluted and used topically. Avoid dairy and consume lots of fresh vegetables, vegetable juice and other alkalizing foods.

Fibromyalgia– Generalized aches and pains or tenderness that interferes with movement and sleep. Eliminate sugar and gluten from the diet. Wintergreen and lavender oils diluted with massage oil and placed directly on location.

Flu– Viral infection affecting the respiratory and digestive systems. Coughing, sneezing, fever, muscle aches and chills, nausea or vomiting can occur. Lemon oil diffused in air. Get lots of rest and sleep it off.

Gas/Bloating– One drop of peppermint oil in cup of water and drink. Rub with carrier oil onto bottom of feet and stomach for relief. 
Chamomile, ginger and peppermint tea work wonders. Avoid eating too fast and too much at a time. Eat until you are 80% full. Chew your food until it is liquid before swallowing.

Gastritis– Inflammation of the stomach lining. Peppermint oil diluted and rubbed into stomach. Take a few drops in capsule form as well.

Gout– Painful inflammation of a joint. Uric acid gets built up in excessive amounts in the bloodstream and causes crystals to form in the joint or kidney stones. Consume less protein. Maintain a healthy weight. Exercise regularly.

Gynecological Problems– Red Raspberry Leaf tea from Traditional Medicinals daily. This strengthens the female system and will help maintain correct homeostasis or balance in body. Avoid caffeine. Consume healthy, whole foods on a daily basis, get enough sleep and reduce stress.

Hair Loss– Massage 1-2 drops of rosemary or lavender oil with carrier oil directly into scalp prior to shower. Shampoo and condition afterwards. Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, wild Alaskan salmon, sardines and flaxseeds.

Hangovers– Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, low energy, extreme weakness, fatigue and diarrhea. Sleep is the best solution. 3-4 drops of lemon or grapefruit oil to warm bath. Apply these oils to back and neck afterwards. Inhale these oils deeply. Bananas and a few teaspoons of local honey are great remedies as well.

Headache– Peppermint oil rubbed directly into temples, back of neck and under nose. You can also add a drop to your hand, rub in and inhale. Wash hands immediately after using peppermint to avoid burning in the eyes.

Heartburn– Avoid acidic foods and beverages such as coffee, black tea and chocolate. Peppermint oil with carrier oil massaged into location. Consume warm water with lemon in between meals and on an empty stomach.

Hemorrhoids– Peppermint oil directly on location.

Herpes Simplex 1 and 2– Viruses that cause either oral (1) or genital (2) herpes infections. Symptoms include blisters or sores on location. At the first sign of outbreak, peppermint, tea tree or lavender oils can be applied directly on location. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, sugar and processed foods. Practice protected sex during this time to avoid spreading virus to partner.

High Blood Pressure– Lavender oil to temples and behind ears. Consume dark chocolate- 70% or higher cacao. Potassium-rich foods such as bananas, kiwi and grapefruit naturally lower blood pressure. Regular exercise such as yoga, swimming and tai chi will keep stress levels low and may help bring pressure down. Massage therapy works wonders as well.

High Cholesterol– Causes arterial blockage and increases risk of heart disease. Lemongrass oil with carrier oil massaged into liver point on hands and feet. Avoid processed foods, sugar and caffeine. Drink lots of warm water with lemon between meals and on an empty stomach.

Hormone Imbalance– Ylang ylang or clary sage oils massaged into bottom of the feet or diffused in the air. Steep Red Raspberry Leaf tea for several minutes and consume daily. Black cohosh and evening primrose supplements work as well.

Hot Flashes– Sudden feeling of heat taking over the body during premenopause and menopause. Other symptoms may include an increase in heart rate, sweating, dizziness and weakness. Peppermint oil applied to back of neck and in a spray bottle diluted with water. Black cohosh and evening primrose supplements.

Hypoglycemia– Caused by low blood sugar in the bloodstream. Symptoms may include increased feeling of hunger, anxiety, shakiness, weakness, confusion, sweating and dizziness. Eat less processed foods and sugar. Consume more high quality protein. Small meals throughout day with healthy fats such as walnuts, avocado, wild Alaskan salmon and extra virgin olive oil. Add cinnamon to meals. Can also use a drop or two of cinnamon oil with carrier oil, apply to pancreas area and bottom of feet.

Impotence– Causes may include circulatory or nerve problems, testosterone levels out of balance, medications or stress. Clary sage, clove, ginger or sandalwood oil diluted with carrier oil and applied to location. Get regular exercise and sleep. Try meditation or other relaxation techniques. Avoid soy. Eat a balanced diet with natural protein sources, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Indigestion– Ginger tea by Traditional Medicinals or root. Apply peppermint oil directly onto location and bottom of feet. Do not eat 3 hours before bed. Chew your food until it becomes a liquid before swallowing. Eat until you are 80% full. Eat fruit alone. Drink water in between meals at room temperature or warmer.

Infertility– Clary sage oil diluted with carrier oil and massaged into bottom of feet and on sides of ankles (reflexology points). Consume Red Raspberry Leaf tea on a daily basis to balance reproductive system.
Infected wounds- Apply tea tree oil directly on location.

Inflammatory Problems– Need to follow anti-inflammatory diet by consuming avocado, walnuts, wild-caught fish, extra virgin olive oil, green leafy vegetables, lemon and a variety of other alkalizing foods. 1-2 drops of frankincense oil in a capsule and taken daily.

Insomnia– Lavender oil to wrists, back of neck, behind ears or under nose before bedtime. Lavender and chamomile teas by Traditional Medicinals. Try not to watch the news or engage in anything too stimulating in the evening. Reading, meditating, deep breathing exercise or light stretching is fine.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome– One of the most commonly diagnosed disorders. Characteristics include diarrhea, gas, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain and cramping. Take 1-2 drops of peppermint oil in a cup of water. Drink a few times per day. Capsule version as well. Try not to eat anything too spicy or acidic. Need more calming foods such as bananas, sweet potatoes and soups.

Jet Leg– While traveling, the body’s internal clock is disrupted due to different daylight and nighttime hours. Symptoms include insomnia, fatigue and dizziness. Drink lots of water and whole foods. Avoid caffeine and alcohol during the entire travel time. Try avoiding naps in order to adjust to the new time. Peppermint and eucalyptus oils applied behind ears or under nose helps with energy. Lavender oil and lavender/chamomile teas help promote sleep.

Kidney Infection/Stones– For infection, drink 1 gallon of purified water with 2 quarts of cranberry juice per day. For stones, apply a hot compress of lemon oil and carrier oil over kidney area. Drink warm water with lemon throughout the day. Avoid high protein diet.

Lactose Intolerance– Symptoms include bloating, nausea, gas, abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Avoid dairy. Consume digestive enzymes during meals. Dilute lemongrass oil with carrier oil and apply to abdominal area.

Low Blood Pressure– Diffuse rosemary oil into the air or inhale the oil directly from bottle.

Lower Back Pain– Characterized by stiffness and muscle tightness. Peppermint/wintergreen oils diluted with carrier oil and massaged into location. Avoid dairy and gluten. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid caffeine and drink lots of water with lemon.

Lupus- An autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its own organs and tissues. Symptoms include joint discomfort or swelling, muscular pain and facial rashes. Lupus is more common in women than men. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet by avoiding dairy, sugar and processed foods. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables, turmeric, garlic, celery seed, ginger, water with lemon, omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds and oil, extra olive oil and sardines.

Menopause– Occurring around the age of 51 characterized by mood swings, vaginal dryness, irregular menstrual cycles, thinning hair, hot flashes and weight gain around the mid-section. Lavender or wild orange oil diluted with carrier oil and massaged into reflexology points on sides of ankles. Avoid dairy. Japanese women consume little or no dairy at all and do not experience many menopausal symptoms.

Migraine– Apply peppermint oil to temples, back of neck and under nose. Can diffuse in air as well. Consume magnesium-rich foods (see micronutrient list below). Avoid dairy, wine, chocolate and anything else with sulfites and these can trigger a migraine.

Mood Swings– Citrus oil (lemon, lime or wild orange) applied behind ears and under nose. Eat high-quality protein sources, good fats and healthy forms of carbohydrates throughout the day. Avoid caffeine, sugar, processed foods and other stimulants.

Multiple Sclerosis– An autoimmune system disease where the immune system attacks the myelin sheath (covering and protecting the nerves). Symptoms may include vision loss, tingling, burning, unsteady gait, dizzy spells, problems with memory, and pain in parts of the body. Take 1-2 drops of frankincense oil in a capsule and swallow daily. Peppermint or sandalwood oil diluted with carrier oil and applied to spine, back of neck and feet. Avoid processed foods, sugars and artificial sweeteners, caffeine and other stimulants. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole foods and high-quality protein and fats.

Muscle Aches, Pain & Strain– Apply peppermint or wintergreen oil with carrier oil to location and massage for several minutes. Avoid dairy, processed foods and sugar. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet with lots of avocado, vegetables, berries, extra virgin olive oil, turmeric, ginger and omega-3 fatty acid sources.

Nail Problems– Apply tea tree oil directly on location. Avoid having artificial nails put on. Use only natural nail polish and remover.

Nasal Congestion– Avoid dairy. Apply peppermint or eucalyptus oil with carrier oil to chest. Peppermint or eucalyptus oil can also be applied under nose and behind ears.

Nausea– Sick feeling in stomach caused by pregnancy, pms, food allergies or poisoning, virus or certain medications. Peppermint oil diffused in air, placed under nose, on stomach and bottom of feet. Consume lemon wedges. Ginger or peppermint tea by Traditional Medicinals.

Obesity– Avoid processed foods, high glycemic/sugar foods and stick to a high-quality protein diet with lots of fresh vegetables and purified water with lemon.

Osteoporosis– Countries that consume little or no dairy products experience little or no osteoporosis. This goes to show, you don’t need dairy to build strong bones.

PMS Symptoms– Lavender oil for relaxation. Grapefruit oil and fruit for bloating. Raspberry leaf tea for reducing cramping. Avoid dairy, sugar and processed foods.

Poison Ivy/Oak– Characteristics include rash, red bumps and oozing blisters. Apply lavender oil with carrier oil directly to location.

Poor Memory– Peppermint oil on back of neck and bottoms of feet. 1 or 2 drops in hand, cup and inhale. Walnuts, blueberries, flaxseeds, fatty fish and a diet higher in good-quality protein and vegetables. Need more sleep and less stress. One task at a time.

Pneumonia– Lungs are infected by either a virus, bacteria or fungus. Symptoms include chest pain, cough, fever, body chills and aches, muscle pain, fatigue and breathing difficulty. Diffuse thyme or oregano oil into the air throughout the day. Dilute these oils with carrier oil and apply to chest. Crush garlic, mix with olive oil and apply to bottom of feet. Put socks on and go to sleep. Fever should break. You can chop up onions into fine pieces, mix with olive oil, apply to chest, cover with warm cloth and go to sleep. Drink lots of fluids including warm water with lemon, honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Polyps– Raised benign tumors on the surface of the bowel and protrude inside of the colon. Peppermint oil diluted with carrier oil and massaged onto lower abdomen, reflexology points of feet on colon and 1-2 drops into a capsule for consumption.

Prostate Enlargement– Consume tomato products in all forms. Avoid dairy. Countries where dairy consumption is minimal, men have less prostate problems.

Puffy Eyes– Apply warm chamomile tea bags onto location. Avoid salt, dairy and other inflammatory foods including mineral water.

Ringworm– Characterized by ring-shaped patches on the skin from a fungal infection. Causes itching, redness and scaling of the skin. Tea tree, peppermint and thyme oil (2 drops of each) 3x per day for 10 days. Then apply tea tree oil with carrier oil until gone.

Salmonella Poisoning– Apply peppermint oil diluted with carrier oil onto location and on bottom of feet. Peppermint and ginger tea by Traditional Medicinals throughout day as well.

Sinus Problems– Avoid dairy as it creates more inflammation and mucous in the body. Peppermint and eucalyptus oil diluted with carrier oil to temples, forehead and under nose. Diffuse these oils into the air as well.

Skin Cuts and Rashes– Apply lavender or tea tree oils diluted with a carrier oil and apply directly onto location.

Sleep Disorders– Lavender oil mixed with water and sprayed onto pillow before sleep. Under nose and behind ears as well. Avoid eating heavy meals and consuming alcohol 3 hours before bed. Drink herbal teas such as chamomile by Traditional Medicinals after dinner.

Snoring– Avoid sleeping on back. Apply peppermint or eucalyptus oil under nose prior to sleep. Avoid eating heavy or spicy meals throughout the day.

Sore Throat– Drink plenty of warm water with lemon, honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Ginger tea by Traditional Medicinals throughout the day works very well.

Tonsillitis– Consume Ginger tea by Traditional Medicinals throughout the day. Warm lemon with honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper as well. Tea tree, lemon or lavender oil diluted with carrier oil and massaged into neck and lymph nodes.

Toothache– Clove oil to water and squish around mouth. You can also add 1-2 drops to toothpaste and brush.

Underweight– Consume more nuts and other healthy fats, proteins and good carbs from sweet potatoes, brown rice, millet and quinoa. Get involved with weight training exercises which will increase muscle mass and increase weight.

Urinary Tract Infection– Consume unsweetened cranberry and blueberry juice throughout the day. Drink lots of purified water with lemon. Avoid sex, baths with chemicals and douching.

Varicose Veins– Apply apple cider vinegar directly onto location Avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time. Consume ginger tea by Traditional Medicinals as it’s good for circulation.

Warts– Apply either oregano or tea tree oil diluted with carrier oil onto location.

Whooping Cough– Bacterial infection causing severe coughing spells. Diffuse eucalyptus, tea tree or peppermint oil into the air. Lemon oil as well as this disinfects the air.

Yeast Infection– Avoid sugar and processed foods. Consume alkalizing foods such as lemon, green leafy vegetables and chlorella. Ginger tea and warm lemon water throughout the day as well.

The Importance Of Micronutrients

Micronutrients are found in vitamins and minerals. They are important to consume on a daily basis, because they regulate metabolism and provide vital nutrition for your entire body. Some people prefer not to take supplements and would rather get everything from their food. I understand this, but just remember today’s soil is greatly depleted of vitamins and minerals and will most likely not give your body everything it needs.

Vitamin A (fat soluble)- Helps with vision, thyroid function, tissue and both repair, reproduction and fetal development and supports immune system.
Vitamin A is found in egg yolks, dairy, liver, sweet potatoes, dark green, yellow and orange vegetables, cantaloupe and apricots.

B Vitamins (water soluble)- Produces energy in the body, help regulate the nervous system (especially Vitamin B1), forms brain and spinal cord during development of fetus (folic acid) and reduces heart disease risk by maintaining normal homocysteine levels in the blood (especially Vitamin B6).
B Vitamins are found in green vegetables, brewer’s yeast, fish, beans, walnuts, almonds, brown rice, bananas, sunflower seeds, wheat and rice bran, mushrooms, white and red meat, dairy and fortified foods such as cereal. Vitamin B12 is only found in meat, therefore must be supplemented if vegan/vegetarian.

Vitamin C (water soluble)- Great antioxidant, supports the thyroid, heals wounds faster, decreases cancer and heart disease risks and helps form collagen.
Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, guava, kiwi, cauliflower, papaya and greens.

Vitamin D (fat soluble)- We get this vitamin mostly from the sun. It’s so important we get this each day if possible (without wearing sun block). We want the D to absorb into the body for a number of reasons. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the body, it maintains bones and teeth, prevents osteoporosis, improves immunity, reduces risks of certain cancers and improves mood and well-being.
Vitamin D is found in egg yolks, liver, fortified dairy, cod liver oil and fatty fish such as salmon. Consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement if you don’t eat these foods much or aren’t able to get exposure to daily sunlight.

Vitamin E (fat soluble)- Another powerful antioxidant. It improves immunity supports healthy thyroid function and repairs DNA.
Vitamin E is found in nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, leafy green vegetables, asparagus, beans, fortified cereals, whole grains and vegetable oils.

Vitamin K (fat soluble)- It helps blood clot properly in the body.
Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, cabbage and liver.

The following are major minerals and are needed in larger amounts:

Calcium- Bone and tooth structure development, helps with contraction of muscles, blood clotting and blood vessel contraction and dilation.
Calcium is found in dairy products, almonds, fish with edible bones, seaweed, sesame seeds and dark green vegetables.

Phosporus- Bone and tooth structure development and is part of DNA.
Phosporus is found in various plant and animal products. It’s very unlikely to have a deficiency in this mineral.

Potassium- Maintains the balance of electrolytes and water in the body and it controls heart, muscle and nervous system activities.
Potassium is also found in various plant and animal products. It’s very unlikely to have a deficiency in this mineral.

Magnesium- helps with muscle and nerve function, maintains bone and tooth structure, prevents constipation, regulates blood clotting and muscle contraction.
Magnesium is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

The following are trace minerals which are needed in smaller amounts:

Iron- supports healthy thyroid function and isneeded for hemoglobin formation in blood and myoglobin in muscle. Both of these are oxygen carrying cells.
Iron is found in clams, oysters, organ meats, pumpkin seeds, white beans, blackstrap molasses, lentils, spinach, eggs, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits and enriched grains.

Iodine- supports healthy thyroid function.
Iodine is found in iodized salt, sea vegetables such as kelp and seafood such as clams, shrimp, oysters and salmon.

Zinc- supports healthy thyroid function, speeds up wound healing, improves immunity, maintains the sense of smell and taste and aids in DNA synthesis and reproduction.
Zinc is found in beef, lamb, turkey, oysters, sardines, eggs, dairy, whole grains, fortified cereals, split peas, sunflower seeds, pecans, brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, ginger root and maple syrup.

Chromium- enhances energy and stamina, metabolizes fat and sugar and is said to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body.
Chromium is found in various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and brewer’s yeast.

Selenium- supports thyroid function, helps prevent certain types of cancers and functions as an antioxidant in the body.
Selenium is found in brazil nuts, tuna, chicken, seafood, whole grains, garlic, mushrooms, halibut, beef and sunflower seeds.

Copper- supports healthy thyroid function, enhances iron absorption, improves production of bone and fuel for the cells (ATP).
Copper is found in beef, oysters, lobster, shiitake mushrooms, dark chocolate, crabmeat, tomato paste, pearled barley, nuts, white beans, chickpeas and sunflower seeds.

This is a great list to print and hang on your fridge. It’s good to consume a variety of these foods regularly. If you feel the need to take an additional supplement, just make sure it’s all natural and free of common allergens.

I want you to learn that healing begins from within. You don’t always need prescription drugs to get rid of all of your ailments. You may only need a few simple ingredients and a little patience. 

Have a healthy day!
